"Do not be afraid. Only believe." (Jesus, in Mark 5:36)
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As for me and my house, Father God, we will serve You.
Read morePerseverance
Contemplating the glorious riches of His love turns our wondering into wonder, and so we receive the hope of glory, and the strength to persevere.
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You are my refuge and my fortress, My God, in You will I trust.
Read moreTrusting in the Midst of Tragedy
I woke twice this week to news of tragedy. On Friday, I discovered one of my son’s childhood friends had been accidentally killed. This morning the national news reported another mass shooting in Orlando, with 50 dead and 53 more injured. The prayers this week are just a starting point for praying in tragic circumstances. If other verses come to mind, leave them in the comment section and I will add them to the list, as a resource when we need it. (Comments do not appear immediately.) Let's pray for ourselves, each other, and our nation.
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