I wasn’t going to post today, but I ran into a good friend at the grocery store today (yes, of course we were at the grocery store today- mothers don’t get Mother’s day off!!) and she had just heard a very discouraging sermon. I could not get her off my mind, because the feelings this sermon stirred up in her are so very common to and destructive for moms.
You see, my friend is a very wise and very loving mother. She gives her family her very best as consistently as anyone I know. Her children love her and want to spend time with her because she had cared for them tenderly all their lives. Has she done everything perfectly? Nope. Has she made mistakes? Yep. But she came away from that sermon feeling discouraged because she has idolized them at times, and guilty as if their flaws and struggles are somehow her fault. This is NOT the message Jesus has for mothers.
God has never been surprised by a single mistake you have made in parenting your children. He knows your shortcomings way better than you do, and HE HANDPICKED YOU to be mom for each of your kids. The Holy Spirit does convict, showing us our mistakes and our sins. But with that conviction comes the wisdom and strength to repent, to do things differently in the future. My friend heard condemnation in that sermon, and I want to share with you a sermon that overturns condemnation with the good news of what Jesus has done for imperfect parents.
It’s quick and easy, so please read it. Take the Biblical principle and apply it to your own failings, frustrations and shortcomings as a mother or father. Let the freedom we have in Christ be the gift that never stops giving.
Click on the link below:
Christmas 2016